CalFresh provides qualifying students with up to $292 a month to buy healthy nutritious foods. It’s a federally mandated, state-supervised, and county-operated government entitlement program that provides monthly food benefits to qualified Highlanders. These benefits can be used at various local grocery and convenience stores, most farmers markets, Scotty's convenience store located at the Highlander Union Building (HUB), Market at Glen Mor, and now online.

Ways to Apply

Visit a CalFresh Intern at our temporary location at The Well HUB 248 to learn more about CalFresh eligibility, get help with the CalFresh application and more!  Our experienced interns will walk you through the application, help you upload the necessary documents, and answer any questions you might have. The entire application process takes around 45-60 minutes, depending on the documents needed to submit.

To make the application process smoother, we recommend students to make a BenefitsCal account prior to applying with an intern. You can make an account here


*Disclaimer: CalFresh interns are not official county workers and cannot determine ultimate eligibility or monthly benefit amount*


There are two ways to apply with our dedicated CalFresh Interns: 

  1. ONLINE via a 45min-1hr zoom call. Please make a virtual appointment here 
  • Please note you will receive an email with the zoom link on the calendar invite on the day of your appointment 
  • Appointments will begin January 6th

2.IN PERSON during our scheduled walk-in hours at The Well HUB 248 (this is our temporary location)

* walk-ins begin 01/07*


Winter Quarter Walk-In Hours

Monday: 10am-12pm 

Tuesday: 2pm-4pm

Wednesday: 2pm-4pm

Thursday: unavailable 

Friday: unavailable


Special Hours: 

Monday 01/13 10am-12pm HUB 269

Thursday 01/16 3pm-4pm Veterans Resource Center in Costo Hall 125

Monday 02/03 10am-12pm HUB 268

Wednesday 02/19 2pm-4pm Student Parent Event @ Bannockburn J102

Wednesday 02/26 2pm-4pm HUB 260

Friday 03/07 @ The Well 10:15am-1:45pm

Friday 03/14 @ The Well 10:15am-1:45pm

(calfresh) riverside county

Riverside County workers visit campus once a month to assist students with applying for CalFresh or answering any case specific questions. When available, they are also able to print EBT cards on site!


What can Riverside County workers do that CalFresh Interns can't?

  • Troubleshoot any issues you might be having with your CalFresh case 
  • Process any late SAR7 & recertification reports if completed correctly
  • Print EBT cards! 


Upcoming Visit

Bear Necessities Fair 

HUB 302


March 12, 2024 


Students will be able to come and learn about CalFresh. We will having county workers visit and they can also answer any case related questions/concerns. Students can apply for CalFresh (if eligible).


Nearest County Office:

Riverside County Department of Social Services
5961 Mission Blvd, Riverside, CA 92509
 Monday - Friday
 8am - 5pm 
(877) 410-8827

If you don't require any assistance, you can also apply on your own! 

Apply Here!


If you have any questions post applying, you can still connect with our CalFresh interns via appointment or during our walk-in hours. 


Don't know where to get the documents for your CalFresh application? 

There is a guide that can help you with that!

CalFresh Eligibility


As a general guide, to apply as a student, you MUST meet ALL these requirements:
  • Be 18-49 years old
  • Enrolled at least half time in an accredited school
  • Meet the Income Threshold 
  • Have a meal plan of 11 meals or less a week (including meal plans from another source, such as a co-op, sorority/fraternity house, or meal plan) 
  • Be a U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident or at least one of the following is true:
    • Has US Citizenship
    • Is a lawful permanent residents (LPRs) or applying for a renewal for an LPR, including Amerasian immigrants (sponsorship could limit eligibility)
    • Has refugee status
    • Has asylee status
    • Has an active or pending U or T Visa
    • Is an applicant for VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Relief
    • Has Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)- would need to have their case reviewed for any documentation and see the status of their application for LPR.
    • Deportation withheld in certain circumstances 
    • Is a Cuban/Haitian entrant as defined in 501(e)
    • Is an adult or minor who is a survivor of a severe form of human trafficking, or their spouse/parents/children
    • Certain spouses and children who are survivors of interpersonal violence
    • Is an Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrant on certain Visa types 
    • Be a veteran of the United States military, or a member of the United States military, or a spouse or child of a person in the military or a veteran; 
    • Be a member of a Hmong or Laotian tribe that fought with the United States military during the Vietnam War, who is lawfully residing in the United States;
    • On August 22, 1996, have been 65 years or older and lawfully residing in the United States (i.e., born before August 22, 1931);
    • Be an American Indian with certain rights to cross the border between the United States and Canada or Mexico limited to certain Visa Codes; 
    • Be a non-citizen national (born in American Samoa or Swain’s Island)
Gross Monthly Income Eligibility 
Household Size Max Gross Income 
1 $2,510
2 $3,408
3 $4,304
4 $5,200
5 $6,098
* We can help students determine if they meet the income requirements through a conversation as the income requirements are complicated. Many forms of income are exempt (for example income from work study jobs does not count as income making it easier for students with work study jobs to be eligible), and there are lots of ways to reduce your eligible income (for example there is a reduction for utilities you pay, some childcare expenses, etc.)


As well as at least ONE of the following student exemptions:
  • Receive TANF funded Cal Grant A or B (email CSAC for verification document or submit the CalFresh Notification email)
  • Working a minimum of 20 hours per week in employment (or 80 hours on average per month)
  • Participate in a Work Study job or be approved for Work Study and be actively seeking a Work Study job
  • Can provide a doctor's note stating you are unable to work 20hrs or more per week due to a mental or physical disability 
  • Be enrolled in SDRC and can provide documentation
  • Has a dependent under 12 years old
  • Do not plan to be enrolled next term (and currently under full-time status as a student)
  • Participate in at least one Local Program that Increases Employability (LPIE).  
    • These include, but are not limited to, many majors and academic programs on campus you may already be enrolled in.
      • List can be found in next section


Documents Needed
  • Proof of enrollment (class schedule)
  • Proof of income (paystubs)
  • Proof of financial aid (can be found on R'Web --> Financial Aid)
  • Legal identification (driver’s license, CA ID card, passport)
  • Proof of rent paid
    • This could be a copy of your lease, a rent receipt.


Don't know where to get these documents? 

There is a guide that can help you with that! 


*CalFresh approval is not determined at the time of application, nor can it be determined by the CalFresh Interns.*

Upcoming Event!

Bear Necessities Fair! 

bear necessities fair flyer 2025

Local Programs that Increase Employability (LPIE)

What is an LPIE?
  • Local Programs that Increase Employability (LPIE) are programs that can exempt students from certain eligibility requirements for CalFresh. The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) maintains a list of approved LPIEs that is updated monthly and can be found on the CalFresh Resource Center Policy Page. Different campuses may have different approved LPIEs for different programs or major.
  • Participate in a Employment & Training Program (Employed through UC Riverside)

See if your academic or professional program is an approved LPIE here

*This list includes undergraduate, graduate, and more degrees. Our team is actively working on adding more to this list on a monthly basis.*

Off Campus Food Resources

Calfresh Locator #1

CF Maintaining Benefits by BasicNeedsDeparment